donderdag 4 maart 2010

LUCHTDICHT: Diversity en meer drums...

Ik ben geschokt dat er zoveel Nederlanders blijkbaar niet door het opgeblazen en grove geschreeuw van de PVV heen prikken. Vandaar dat ik vanochtend het volgende heb geschreven.


Life I see is wonderful, with all its many colours,
red and green, yellow and blue, diversity's what matters...
With people, it works the same way, with muslims, jews and buddhists,
atheists and christians, with just one kind, humanity wouldn't flourish.
Diversity means lots to learn, unicity's dull and lonely.
Now would it be a lot fun fun if there'd be one model only?
when there's no difference in who we are, then everyone's the same,
If you know one, you'll know them all, now that would be a shame!
Now, here, we have freedom of speech, you can say what you want,
but why now use it, just to say, that other people can't?
Sadly though, some people want to see their colours only,
white and blue, and white blonde hair, now this makes me feel lonely.
Now I'm not threatened by some difference in religion,
but what I do fear, are these guys, who think they act in wisdom.
Who want to give up all that's nice, and beautiful in this world,
By only letting those like me have a life, 'cause others wouldn't be worth...

Meer drums
Na een paar dagen geleden een stukje aanklooien had geplaatst, vond ik toch dat ik dat wel beter kon. Vandaar onderstaande opname, een stuk strakker, en iets langer.

Geen opmerkingen:

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