woensdag 10 juni 2009


Na een op zich erg geslaagd feestje gisteravond, had ik opeens weer inspiratie voor een potentiele songtekst. Wellicht komt er later nog eens een gezongen versie van...
Zoals altijd ligt het copyright bij mij (Halbe Mulder).


It’s so crowded, yet I’m so lonely,
Is it just me, am I the only
One to feel this way?
Getting a beer, getting a coke?
Could y’also grab one for that bloke,
What can I say?

Apparently, this is a party,
Supposedly, I should have fun.
Something, though, keeps me from laughing,
And most of all, I want to run!
Run away, run from here!
Run to lose my energy!
Run trough woods, just like a deer,
I’m useless here, you see?

It’s a party, and I’m invited,
The floor is full, some girls, delighted,
Dance the night away.
A guy says I should try to dance,
To this weird music, some kind of trance,
I try to delay.

Apparently, this is a party,
Supposedly, I should have fun.
Something, though, keeps me from laughing,
And most of all, I want to run!
Run away, run from here!
Run to lose my energy!
Run trough woods, just like a deer,
I’m useless here, you see?

Beer makes happy, I don’t see it,
Why’s it this fun, if you get rid
Of all that makes you you?
Why do you have to lose all of,
The part of you I mostly love,
The control of what you do?

Apparently, this is a party,
Supposedly, I should have fun.
Something, though, keeps me from laughing,
And most of all, I want to run!
Run away, run from here!
Run to lose my energy!
Run trough woods, just like a deer,
I’m useless here, you see?

I need something, something to do,
I’m so useless, can’t dance with you,
Instructions, those I’ll need.
No, not dancing, how I wouldn’t know,
Lights or sound knobs, control of the glow.
By contributing, I feed…

Geen opmerkingen:

LUCHTDICHT gebundeld!

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